The Six Days War was fought by Israel against Jordan, Egypt and Syria between 5 and 10 of June 1967. It resulted in acquisition by Israel of the territories of Judea and Samaria, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula. The control over Gaza Strip and Sinai has been ceded since.
Of all wars Israel ever engaged in, the Six Days War was the most significant for the Israeli and Jewish morale – it was won in a manner and at a speed that would make Israelis and Jews all over the world to use the word ‘miracle’ in their descriptions of the War.
Professor Yoel Elitzur is a Hebrew Linguistics professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He works closely with biblical archaeologists and other experts in ancient Jewish history. In that area there are two approaches: the maximalist that says ‘everything described in the Torah is the truth, give and take a few details’ and the minimalist that says ‘it...