The following text is a translation of the post published by the resident of St Petersburg, a theatre critic and a journalist, Elena Volgust, who decided to walk the streets of St Petersburg with an Israeli flag.
“I followed the route Moscow boulevard -Kuznetzovskaya-Brother’s Strugatskiye square-bus-trolleybus-Zagorodny boulevard-Vladimirskiy boulevard- corner of Nevsky and Liteiny-trolleybus-bus. All the way -I travelled silently. I did not talk to anyone and did not ask anything. All that time I simply held a flag in my hand, vertically.
- A boy on a bicycle shouted : ”Jews!”
- A woman in a mask: “An activist..ugh”
- Two aged men: “Well done”
- Four people smiled at me on the street, size people smiled-on public transport
- Many looked intently but did not express any view
- One significant conversation happened, with a woman who initiated it, at a bus stop near Vitebskaya station. She approved of the flag, said that watches news day and night and all sorts of clever commentary, worries about Israelis, wishes them victory. Another woman, somewhat tipsy, entered the conversation. Her message was approximately this: “do not fear anything, if someone has some sort of issue with you, I will show them”, She was also worried about Israel.
The link to the original post