2024 UK general election: voting intentions of British Jews and other minorities
4 July 2024 is the Election Day in the United Kingdom. The position of the ruling party, the Conservatives, has not been looking very strong since the early 2022, if the voting intentions poll are to be believed. To be fair- there is little surprize in this: the Conservative Party have been at the steering wheel, so to speak, for the past 14 years (from 2010) and, looking back, for another 18 years in the late 20th century (1979-1997). All the way back to the mid-1940s, the Labour-dominated periods of British history appear like relatively short stunts, mostly 1-6 years long, looking a lot like a little dance of desperation with the Conservatives that the British public performs from time to time. The longest period that the Labour party managed to rule continuously in this time was under Tony Blair/Gordon Brown: 13 years (1997-2010). Telescopically speaking, between the end of the second World War and year 2024 (almost 80 years),...